Masahiro Nakajima, President & CEO

SDGs at Tokyo International Forum

Masahiro Nakajima, President & CEOMasahiro Nakajima, President & CEO

“As a leading convention and art center, Tokyo International Forum (TIF) is a company that aims to create sensations and generate excitement by putting on display for the world the allure of the local community, Tokyo and Japan as a whole.” To practice this TIF management philosophy, all of our employees engage in corporate activities based on the code of conduct entitled “The first step toward excitement.”

As a company of a highly public nature that serves as the core of city development and actively contributes to society, we prioritize the four areas of “environment,” “regional contribution,” “safety and security,” and “governance” as SDGs challenges to address, and will continue to work ambitiously toward realizing a sustainable society.

Initiatives for our
four areas of priority

TIF will contribute to achieving the SDGs by addressing key issues through corporate activities with the perspective of environment, regional contribution, safety and security, and governance.

  • Environment

  • Regional contribution

  • Safety and security

  • Governance


  • CO2 reduction
  • Energy conservation
  • Effective resource use

Aiming for a decarbonized and recycling-based society

  • Installation of Tokyowater Drinking Station
  • Solar heat collecting system
  • Solar power generation system
  • Energy-efficient lighting and air conditioning
  • Energy Management System
  • Food waste recycling

Regional contribution

  • Community revitalization
  • Social contribution
  • Communication

Aiming to be a partner for mutual enhancement and mutual growth

  • Hosting and co-hosting of events
  • Joining of OMY SDGs ACT5
  • Active participation in Chiyoda City social activities
  • International Tourist Information Center

Safety and security

  • Safe and secure facility operations
  • Maintenance of
    risk management structure
  • Transmission countermeasures

Aiming to be a company that contributes toward a sustainable society

  • Enhancement of barrier-free facilities
  • Response to Tokyo 2020 Accessibility Guidelines
  • Preparation as a temporary shelter to take in those who have difficulty returning home after a disaster
  • Organization of a private fire brigade and regular training
  • Flooding (“guerrilla rainstorm”) countermeasures


  • Compliance
  • Maintenance of the workplace environment / cultivation of human resources

Aiming to develop a workplace where work feels joyful

  • Establishment and observance of Compliance Charter
  • Systems for diverse and flexible work styles
  • Ensuring a workplace that is conscious of health
  • Securing diversity

Philosophy and SDGs

While aiming to boost corporate value by practicing our management philosophy of being a company that aims to create sensations and generate excitement, Tokyo International Forum will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, which are a worldwide initiative, and aim to resolve social issues.

Practicing the Management Philosophy of being a company that aims to create sensations and generate excitement

Management Principles

  • Leading convention
    art center
  • A one and only brand
    that conveys
    the “now” of Tokyo and Japan
  • Sharing happiness
    and satisfaction with customers
  • Contributing to the community
    as a center of
    attractive city development
  • Highly transparent
    creating high added value
  • Hub of information

Code of conduct: “The first step toward excitement” Ambition / hospitality / communication / a clean environment / observance of rules

Promotion Structure

With the SDGs Promotion Committee at the center, we will coordinate with the Board of Directors to develop plans based on the sustainability vision, monitor and share progress of the various matters, and verify tasks and issues.


  • February 14–15, 2023

    Held Sustainable Brands 2023 TOKYO-Marunouchi

  • November 23–25, 2022

    “I Can/Can’t See You From Here Now” performance with the appearance of 11 OMY workers reprised in Hall D7

  • November 11, 2022

    Held “OMY SDGs ACT5 Meeting to Contemplate the D&I (diversity & inclusion) of OMY”

  • October 5, 2022

    Held the OMY SDGs ACT5 Marunouchi Shall We Concert, inviting disabled children who attend special needs schools in Tokyo.
    Photo courtesy of NPO Triton Arts Network

We support the Sustainable Development Goals.