Corporate Information

Company Profile

June 26, 2024

Name of Company Tokyo International Forum Co., Ltd.
Address 5-1 Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (Tokyo International Forum 11F)
Date of Establishment 4 April, 2003
(However, actual operations began July 1 upon transfer of business from Tokyo International Foundation.)
President & CEO Masahiro Nakajima
Capital 490 million yen
Issued shares: 9,800 ordinary shares
Capital Ratio Tokyo Metropolitan Government 51%,
Private investment 49%
Shareholders Tokyo Metropolitan Government
East Japan Railway Company
Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd.
Suntory Holdings Limited
Dentsu Inc.
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corp.
Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.
Number of Employees 56
Main Business
  • Management of halls, conference rooms and other facilities of Tokyo International Forum

  • Management of the service facilities of Tokyo International Forum

  • Planning, design, execution and contracting of events for promoting international exchanges

  • Other business services related to the above

Management President & CEO: Masahiro Nakajima
Managing Director: Masato Okayasu
Director: Keita Kondo
Corporate Auditor: Takako Otsuka
Corporate Auditor: Katsuhiko Nakai

Annual Reports

Organization Chart

Corporate Information